Use FundVisualizer to compare thousands of ETFs across 80 different performance metrics and share those comparisons with clients.
Select ETFs to include in your comparison
From the FundVisualizer home page, click Compare to create a comparison. Click the + button to add ETFs.
Choose an interactive chart
Following is an overview of FundVisualizer’s interactive charts.
Fund data are displayed in a tabular format, with almost 80 performance and risk metrics. Drag and drop funds for easy side-by-side comparison.
Overview of performance over time, defaulted to a 5-year time period. Use the sliding bar to view another rolling 5-year period, or expand or contract the time. You can also select a standard time period, or use the date range boxes to focus on a specific time frame.
Performance over time in bar and line form. Drill down into details by selecting specific performance criteria to chart along the Y-axis.
Compare funds across three-dimensions: an x and y axis, and a z, with “z” being the size of the dot. The dot size defaults to performance, but each of these axes can be customized.
This chart shows the degree to which investments share similar risk and return characteristics.
Asset allocation
A comparison of asset allocation weighting by category, with options to view as a bubble chart or in table form. Click a point on the chart to see the percent of the fund’s balance in that specific asset allocation.
A comparison of asset allocation weighting by sector, with options to view as a bubble chart or in table form. Click a point on the chart to see the percent of the fund’s exposure to that sector.
Top holdings
Displays the top holdings in each fund. Click a specific holding to see how long the fund has held that holding and how much is invested. The chart will also highlight that holding across all funds that have the same holding.
Other functionality
Upload a list of key funds or a portfolio
Use this feature to upload a list of the mutual funds you currently recommend to your clients. On the home page, use the Import button.
Save and share comparisons
From any chart, click Save and use the default name, or create a new one. This chart and its data will be saved to your library. To share with clients, click “+PDF” to add a chart to the PDF creator.
Use the arrow keys to quickly toggle between chart options.